What is AmnioFix?
AmnioFix is a human amniotic membrane allograft used for wound and surgical care. Perfect for expediting the recovery process, AmnioFix allografts are procured and processed in the United States according to the standards established by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) and the United States Food and Drug Administration.

The Benefits of Amniofix Allografting
Amniotic tissue has been used since the early 1900s and has been the subject of many publications evaluating its use in enhanced healing, inflammation modulation, and scar tissue reduction. All amniotic membrane tissue for this product is donated by healthy consenting mothers undergoing scheduled Cesarean sections and is completely safe for both the baby and the mother. AmnioFix is also cost-effective compared to traditional skin grafts.

Popular Areas to Get AmnioFix Allografting
Face Acne & Scars
Treat acne and reduce scarring anywhere on the face
Lower Eyelids
Reduce puffiness and rejuvenate the area under your eyes
Under the Chin
Tighten the skin on your neck and restore some elasticity
Emphasize your jawline with tighter skin and improved texture
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AmnioFix Allografting enhances healing and reduces scar tissue and recovery time after an injury or surgery.
The procedure is non-invasive and requires little to no downtime. There may be some localized discomfort for 2-3 days after the procedure.
What to
There is minimal discomfort during the procedure. For AmnioFix to work optimally, you must follow your physician-directed post-treatment care.

What to Expect From Treatment
AmnioFix is mixed with saline and injected into the affected area, with over 226 different growth factors that our bodies naturally produce to help our cells regenerate damaged tissue. The site might appear red and be tender to the touch. You may apply ice and elevation as needed. The procedure may cause localized soreness and discomfort that can last 2-3 days. Your physician may prescribe some rehabilitation exercises or direct you to a rehabilitation facility. For AmnioFix to work optimally, you must follow physician-directed post-treatment care.
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